You are what you eat. Our menu keeps things healthy yet hearty. Because food that is good for you, can also be good. Ingredients are sourced locally as much as possible and everything is organic and free range. Sit down, relax, and eat slowly. The slower you eat, the better you will digest and the happier you will make all mothers world wide. Trust us!
We know your doggies are your babies and you want to take them everywhere you go. So, our cafe is open to the kindest souls on this planet. But, as you would with your children, please ensure they are polite and not bothering any other guests with their cuteness.
This is an upcycled cafe. 95% of the wood used to build it has been salvaged from different places. We use up-cycled glassware that you can purchase for your home and utensils that are kind to the environment. Please bring your own cup to help us in our mission to reduce unnecessary waste and bring more good energy to the world.