Open Mics at KAVE

Introducing KAVE’s Open Mic Mashup

Hosted by Boye-Henry

As the home that has been giving creative souls in Dubai a living room to jam in

We are opening up our space to host more diverse talent

If you are a musician, singer, spoken word artist, or comedian

Join us to share your talent with our cosy & forgiving community of creative lovers

Every other Sunday afternoon




Share your Talent

We want to give you a platform to share your talent whether established or emerging with our community. Meet up with like minded creatives for future opportunities to collaborate.

Signing up will help us prioritize you and schedule the lineup more smoothly.





Stand up comedy

Spoken Word Artist


Stand-Up Comedian

Sign Up Below

Tell us more about you, what you do, and make sure to include any social handles that represent your talent, so we can tag you all throughout our highlights. Also let us know what equipment you would need so we can confirm whether we can help set you up properly

    Have something in mind? Talk to us